Monday, December 21, 2009

Only 22 Hours until I'm Done with Wisconsin...for awhile

It only seemed appropriate that I blog today.
Currently: Sitting on my bedroom floor, cause that's the only way my computer can reach the ethernet. Around me, an explosion that resembles my suitcase...somewhere under there. Empty bookshelves, empty desk, empty closet, empty apartment, minus one roommate, whom I'd rather not converse with. Oh, and one very uncomfortable bed. It's a bit barren here.
I'm studying for my last final, History, of course. My least favorite. Learning all about American business. Truthfully, at this point I could care less. Everyone's gone so I'm more than ready to leave as well. Actually had something that might resemble a mental breakdown as I began to look at the last essay question I need to prepare. Did I mention I still haven't finished? Took a break to sign up for my Oyster Card. That was confusing. Thank god this will be my last Wisconsin final...for awhile. Back to studying & see you later 201...i might miss you

P.S. Update on the British Husband front, sorry Mike: After seeing Did you hear about the Morgons, NOT Have you seen the Montana's as B ( likes to call it, I've decided Hugh Grant might be the perfect selection...or someone just like him, minus the whole prostitution debacle. I have been in love with him since Nine Months, just ask my mom or brother as I've probably made them watch it about a thousand times. Thoughts??

Thursday, December 10, 2009

To Do List

Coming to you live from Humanities 1641: History 247, I'm bored and with exactly 1 month til my departure, 1 week until finals begin, 15 days until a much needed warm vacation and nearly no time before London, I'm finally ready to start writing up my official to do list
(...however, it is definitely going to require some additions--feel free leave me some advice/suggestions!)

Finish Semester
Get Through Finals
Get New Drivers License
Set up International Phone
Upgrade to World Service
Get Pounds
Buy Touristy books at B&N
Call Insurance Company
CVS Type Errands
Get Rachel's Guide to Europe
Call Credit Card Companys
Get approved for courses
Figure out Classes
Purchase Apple Charger Converter
Buy Converters
Get Return Flight
Find out Internship
Find out where I'm living

Sunday, December 6, 2009

4 Hours of Orientation Later

This past Friday was study abroad orientation at Wisconsin. So after 2 hours of general orientation and 2 hours of program specific orientation, what did I learn?

1. different types of malaria drugs have different side effects so you should test them out before you go
2. or not to worry about the blood you are receiving, in case hit by a car
3. or to expect different policies and procedures in the health system of foreign countries
Sooo maybe IAP should have divided up their programs better and not placed London with Kenya, but that's just my opinion.
4. Don't smuggle drugs across countries
5. And if the New York Times hasn't stressed this enough lately, don't commit any crime

On the contrast, the 2nd half seemed to be less of a waste of time.
Both of my Advisors were there so I finally got to place a face with a name, for Arcadia atleast. And, they talked to us about what to expect, how to prepare and about London in general.
Although the orientation got me very excited, through it, I slowly realized just how many thing I need to do before I leave and how little time I have to do them in.
Going to be a stressful and short winter break!
To do list: coming soon!

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Most people would assume traveling to England is an easy process. They are known to be our next door neighbor, our ally and friend. Quickly did I learn this was not the case.
It was about 12:30 AM Tuesday morning when my mom and I decided to sit down and go through all the VISA stuff I had brought home from school. I had applications, transcripts, copies of my passport, bank statements, the gamut.
By 1:30 I think we had finally finished completing the applications, half of which I could barely understand what I was answering. Then by 9:00 in the morning we were out the door, off to get MORE passport photos taken before my biometrics appointment.
We arrived in Lawrence at the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. The building was a contrast to most of Lawrence. It was a new building. After we got through security, we were greeted and directed by two very unfriendly receptionists and placed in a waiting room, where very few people spoke English. Within 5 minutes, they corn husked my hands and finger printed them all together and individually. And I was out of there and ready to mail in my application to New York.
However, because I'm going to St. Kitts for Christmas, we needed to get my passport back by December 15, which meant my VISA had to be expedited. For this, we turned to ABriggs, a passport and VISA expediting service. So we headed in to downtown Boston, where a little man helped to ensure I completed the forms correctly and had everything I needed. Luckily, we were close enough to Newbury Street that shopping made the trip worthwhile.
So 4 hours and about 300 dollars later (not counting the money spent on Newbury Street), I'm now awaiting my VISA and ready to go!
That's all for now--about to celebrate our arrival in a new country away from the country I'm anxiously awaiting to go to...but more on that later!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

And the countdown begins...

56 days, but who's counting? I certainly am.

It seems like years since I began anticipating my semester abroad and months since I began submitting the forms. The never ending slew of passport photos, essays, VISA applications and probably about a thousand questions to IAP and Arcadia are finally nearing their end. I think my Academic, IAP and Arcadia advisers will all be happy to see me go so they won't have to deal with my constant bombardment of questions: Which form is this? Do I need to fill this out? Did I do this right? Do you need a copy of this? OK--so maybe I'm a little neurotic!

But soon, I will be boarding my plane from Boston's Logan Airport to a country I've always dreamed about spending time in. In a short few months and seven-hour plane ride, my life will be totally transformed.

A native of Andover, Massachusetts, a small suburban town 25 miles north of Boston, I've grown up on fresh seafood, the Boston Red Sox, hockey and all those distinctively North Eastern traditions, a lot of which I've always thought, or at least hoped, are deeply routed in the old English ways of the region. I've walked the freedom trail, seen the Boston Tea Party and woke up at 4 am to watch the reenactment of the Battle of Lexington and Concord. American-British history has been deeply embedded in me since I was a child and has always fascinated me. I've longed to travel to the other side of the story and pond.

England inspired Shakespeare, Dickens and Austen to write their greatest works and The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Elton John and The Clash to sing their most famous songs. While I have never been, I have escaped to London in novels, movies and history. The city of London has always drawn me in. Walking the streets of the city will be a stark contrast to my familiar routes. I'll definitely get lost in the process but maybe the city will inspire me too, or hopefully at least provide some entertainment for all of you out there surfing the web in a fit of procrastination or boredom!

So I'm off to discover history and myself, and if all else fails, maybe my British husband, equipped with a sultry accent, of course!