Thursday, December 10, 2009

To Do List

Coming to you live from Humanities 1641: History 247, I'm bored and with exactly 1 month til my departure, 1 week until finals begin, 15 days until a much needed warm vacation and nearly no time before London, I'm finally ready to start writing up my official to do list
(...however, it is definitely going to require some additions--feel free leave me some advice/suggestions!)

Finish Semester
Get Through Finals
Get New Drivers License
Set up International Phone
Upgrade to World Service
Get Pounds
Buy Touristy books at B&N
Call Insurance Company
CVS Type Errands
Get Rachel's Guide to Europe
Call Credit Card Companys
Get approved for courses
Figure out Classes
Purchase Apple Charger Converter
Buy Converters
Get Return Flight
Find out Internship
Find out where I'm living


Unknown said...

Thank goodness, your mom is helping you. I called the credit card companies to tell them youd be in europe charging up a storm so not to cancel the credit cards. Amex has a foreign exchange of 2.7 percent and citibank mastercard is 3 percent, still looking for a no foreign fee card but that doesnt look promising.. need to go to enterprise to make sure they will waive any foreign atm fees.. be there next friday to start on the first phase of packing, and so the fun begins!!!!! love mom

Brittney said...

you can always ditch the to-do list and just hang out with me in madison next semester? I'll make chelsey send treats to bribe u?

Unknown said...

Great to do list! Just remember to stay calm, it all gets done and you have an awesome mom to help! Making matzaball soup today! When will you be home? I can save you some!

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