Sunday, December 6, 2009

4 Hours of Orientation Later

This past Friday was study abroad orientation at Wisconsin. So after 2 hours of general orientation and 2 hours of program specific orientation, what did I learn?

1. different types of malaria drugs have different side effects so you should test them out before you go
2. or not to worry about the blood you are receiving, in case hit by a car
3. or to expect different policies and procedures in the health system of foreign countries
Sooo maybe IAP should have divided up their programs better and not placed London with Kenya, but that's just my opinion.
4. Don't smuggle drugs across countries
5. And if the New York Times hasn't stressed this enough lately, don't commit any crime

On the contrast, the 2nd half seemed to be less of a waste of time.
Both of my Advisors were there so I finally got to place a face with a name, for Arcadia atleast. And, they talked to us about what to expect, how to prepare and about London in general.
Although the orientation got me very excited, through it, I slowly realized just how many thing I need to do before I leave and how little time I have to do them in.
Going to be a stressful and short winter break!
To do list: coming soon!

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