Sunday, May 23, 2010


You know that island you think of when you think of the Greek Islands? It's beyond beautiful with all sorts of white buildings lining cliffs and beautiful blue topped churches. Or it's the one in Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, 1 and 2. Well that's Santorini, probably the most picturesque place I have ever been.

Upon arrival, after a quick 25 minute flight, we arrived in Santorini. Eager to grab our bags, although Hannah's took a little longer than usual, we headed to grab a cab to take us to the hotel, where we planned to hit the pool or beach or just sun, whatever our hotel had. So we headed to the cab line, where I told them we needed two cabs. He answered 5 people? And I said yes, 2 cabs and he showed me to his small sedan and said 1 cab. It was like a clown car, like when the Holsteins and Swartzs used to try and fit all 8 of their family members, their 2 large dogs and luggage all into Beth's station wagon. Our cab driver put 4 of us in the back, 1 in front, 3 bags on the top fastened in with rope and 2 bags in the trunk. It was unbelievable. Then before we knew it, we had arrived at our hotel, El Greco Hotel. The hotel did not disappoint either. With beautiful vilas, 3 pools, 1 pool bar, 1 restaurant and a lot of comfy chairs, we were pleased. Then quickly got into our rooms and out by the pool, with snacks, to discuss what we wanted to do with our final 4 days in Santorini. Oh and did we have plans. Within an hour, we spoke with the conceirge and had our 3 days planned.

Day 1:
Our first day, we walked the 10 minute walk to Fira, the capital city, and found our way to the tram, which was to take us down the cliff, with beautiful views, to the Old Port. From there, we then planned to ride the donkeys up the cliff. Now, I really wanted to ride the donkeys. I felt like it was a must-do for Santorini. However, if you know me at all, you might know about my fear of undomesticated animals, and by undomesticated I mean anything about dogs and cats, and yes that includes strays, those scare me too. I have no idea why. It's not rational. Nothing I do or think or say is. Anyway, we decided on our order, Kate then Avery then Hannah then me then Becky. I figured it was good, I was near Hannah who is good with animals and in front of Becky who rides horses. So we were off to a good start. Up until we go to the first curve and the donkeys ahead of me had gotten off to a quick start. But Becky caught up to me and I was fine for a few minutes. Then my donkey got confused. He slowed down and somehow lost Becky's donkey. Mind you, these donkeys don't really have a system. One donkey has a bell attached and he leads and the rest follow the bell. No guides go with you. So when my donkey lost becky's donkey, it lost its bell and had no idea where to go. So she yelled to me different ways to get him to move and he slowly did. But then it got worse. He stopped again and again and would not move. He was lost and then he sensed my fear. Thus I sat in the middle of this cliff with no one in front of me or behind me, SCREAMING. HELP ME! Oh god, it was terrifying. The man up above saw it too. Then the donkey began to HOWL, it was a noise I hope to never hear again. And then he continued to do it until 3 Greek girls came down to path and decided to help me. However, their help turned into the donkey RUNNING down the mountain, at full speed. I've never seen a donkey move so fast. So one of the Greek girls had to find a way to stop him and help get me off. As I heard the man above yell, that's not supposed to happen. So my new friend, the Greek girl, helped me navigate the path and find the man who worked at the bottom and translated what had happened. He wanted to put me back on a donkey, I wanted my money back. We compromised and he put me back on the donkey and then attached my donkey to another donkey, which he hoped on, and led me up the mountain. In the end it was okay, but after my experience with a hostile donkey, I dont think Im rushing back to ride the donkeys anytime soon!
After the tramatic event, we got to the top, bought the photos, yes I wanted proof I had done it, and decided to walk around Fira. With so many cute shops we spent the rest of the morning before getting lunch, which had the most beautiful view I have ever seen. Then we headed back to the pool to start tanning, and yes, we did get more tzatziki as a snack. That night, we planned to go to Oia, the town on the tip of Santorini, which is known for the most spectacular views. So we went for dinner and enjoyed it.
Day 2:
On Saturday, we had arranged to spend the day on a private Catamaran. The Boat took us by the black and white beach and showed us the island. It headed out to the volcano islands and allowed anyone who wanted to swim to go into the hot springs. It was a little cold for my liking plus I was still feeling fine and not sea sick so I didn't want to push it. Note to self: bring dremamine. The boat included drinks and food so after the swimmers got back on the boat we headed in between the two volcano islands for lunch, where we served a delicious barbeque of tzatziki, eggplant spread, greek salad, chicken kebabs and the most delicious lamb sausages. Then we headed back to the port enjoying apples and cinnamon and wine for dessert and, when we were back on land, homemade ice cream bars. We then spent the remainder of the day sunburning at the hotel and ended up eating dinner in comfy chairs at the hotel pool, perfect. And yes, they had dolmas and tzatziki.
Day 3:
Our final day in Santorini was also my final day in Europe, sans that whole travel day I had ahead of me...yuck. So we spent it relaxing, snacking, swimming at the hotel. And again, ate dinner in the same comfy chairs before packing up everything and preparing for our 5am departure for the airport the following morning. Oh was that Monday going to be a long day. But more on that later.

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