Monday, December 21, 2009

Only 22 Hours until I'm Done with Wisconsin...for awhile

It only seemed appropriate that I blog today.
Currently: Sitting on my bedroom floor, cause that's the only way my computer can reach the ethernet. Around me, an explosion that resembles my suitcase...somewhere under there. Empty bookshelves, empty desk, empty closet, empty apartment, minus one roommate, whom I'd rather not converse with. Oh, and one very uncomfortable bed. It's a bit barren here.
I'm studying for my last final, History, of course. My least favorite. Learning all about American business. Truthfully, at this point I could care less. Everyone's gone so I'm more than ready to leave as well. Actually had something that might resemble a mental breakdown as I began to look at the last essay question I need to prepare. Did I mention I still haven't finished? Took a break to sign up for my Oyster Card. That was confusing. Thank god this will be my last Wisconsin final...for awhile. Back to studying & see you later 201...i might miss you

P.S. Update on the British Husband front, sorry Mike: After seeing Did you hear about the Morgons, NOT Have you seen the Montana's as B ( likes to call it, I've decided Hugh Grant might be the perfect selection...or someone just like him, minus the whole prostitution debacle. I have been in love with him since Nine Months, just ask my mom or brother as I've probably made them watch it about a thousand times. Thoughts??


Jaimie said...

Cute blog! I just noticed we are following each other on Twitter. Have fun in London. I really like your blog template.

Post a Love Letter said...
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brittney said...

hahahahah gotta love the montana's...i miss u!!!

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