Saturday, January 9, 2010

Off to London Tomorrow

Welp, it shockingly only took 3 hours to pack. After picking out and eliminating clothing, stuffing Ziplock bags and crushing them until there was no air remaining in the bags, a quick run to the Cobbler, to get my new boots fixed (apparently they didn't survive the New York City streets) and another to the Verizon Store downtown for a new cell phone charger, cause apparently Rachel had given me the wrong one (it's ok!!), it almost seemed too good to be true.

Now usually when my mom and I pack for something it's a mess. It's become something we both DREAD because we know it will inevitably end up in us screaming at each other, someone crying, someone stressed out and Eric having to get involved. It's never pretty. Thus, I'm about ready for my bag to break and explode. That would make it more typical.

Instead, we went through my clothing, drawer by drawer, picked out what I might want and neatly folded it. Then we eliminated a few items and packed up one of the bags. We even jokingly hoped to get everything that was sitting in one section of my room in the bag and were able to. Then a quick run downtown and back to finish the last bag. It all fit perfectly. I still gotta do a little bit later on tonight or tomorrow. But I still have time and today, was a wonderful surprise.

So now I'm sitting watching crappy movies with D and writing to you. I still can't believe I'm leaving in less than a day. I feel like I need to say something eloquent and wise. However, I'm not quite sure what that statement is. I'm not even sure how to describe how I'm feeling. I'm both nervous and excited.
-Nervous because I really have no idea what is in store for me in the next few weeks. I've always been the type of person who needs a schedule. I can't even sit on the beach without a time frame for what's coming next. I have no idea where I'm going when I get there or what to expect.
-Excited because I'm about to embark on a journey to a city I've always dreamed of visiting, let alone living in. I've spent the last weeks looking at maps of where I'm living (The Bayswater Area), where I'm going to be working, touring, eating, shopping and more. I've been so anxious to finally get there, although I can't believe how quickly it came.

So with all that, wish me luck and I'll talk to you again from London, England!

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