Friday, January 29, 2010

What is sleeping til 1030?

Good morning to all my faithful readers. It is currently 10:50 GMT and I have only just woken up. Which typically is only somewhat exciting but on this morning is fantastic! Why you ask? Because I do not currently remember the last time I slept past 8:15, let alone 10. However, I somewhat think this must be a reflection on just how much I've been doing. Thoughts...anyone?

This past week was our first week of classes and work. I'm slowly understanding why Dave once told me after a long week, or day, of work, he feels compelled to drink. I, on the other hand, feel compelled to both eat and drink, but maybe that's just cause I stare at and think about food all day long. I'm working at The Impact Agency, a marketing and public relationships companies which specializes in the food and beverage industry. So what did I do from 9:30 to 6 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays?

Drank TEA.

See when I came to London, I expected to drink a lot of tea, and I already do that. But when I walked in on Tuesday morning and was handed the companies "10 Commandments," I knew I was in for A LOT of tea when commandment number 10 read "Drink TEA - and make it for others." And they do just that. Before I'm even able to complete my glass someone surely comes over, "more tea?"

But that's not all I'm doing. I'm reading British newspapers for food and beverage related news, I will admit the London Times' Dining Section does not even stand up to The New York Times' or even The Globe's. (Side Note: I know they criticize us for our ego-centricness, I'm not sure if that's a word, but I find their papers to have even less international news than ours. There was no mention of the State of the Union Address! The entire first section of the Times contains International News!) I'm also reading periodicals to see where food comes in to consumer magazines. I'm brainstorming ideas with them. I'm learning about their industries. I'm searching magazines features to find potential slots for our products (Jazz Apples, Macadamia Nuts, Gold Top Dairy Products, Goose Fat???) While I haven't done much, It's been very interesting and I'm definitely learning.

P.S. Check out this site

In unrelated news, our internet here at Palace Court is horrendous, which is why I apologize for not updating my photos more frequently. Photos from Paris & more from London are on their way, I promise!

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