Wednesday, April 21, 2010


A word that looks more like something my keyboard threw up...and that's exactly how that word makes me feel: like I want to throw up.

I begin this post with an apology, to my readers and my mother, for not blogging over the past few days and for making your life a living a hell. I have avoided blogging in a fear of jinxing anything. For those of you living under a cloud, or better yet those of you not living under a cloud, in case you managed some way to miss it, volcanic ash has taken over the airspace in Europe, closing airports throughout the UK and Europe since last Thursday, grounding my mother's flight, which was due to land in London in a mere 4 hours and nearly ruining my family vacation. Needless to say the word Eyjafyoll brings on tears, disappointment and extreme anger.

However, last night, as I resigned to the idea that my family would most likely not be coming to England or Prague, the British Airport Authority decided to surprise us all and open Heathrow. So it looks as though the family will be getting here after all, maybe even Barb a little early, but let's not get too far ahead of ourselves.

So with that, I ask you to cross your fingers for exactly what I mentioned above. I may not have the best of luck but that's what I have readers for, to help me out and share their luck with me!

Keep your fingers crossed and I'll keep you updated

In unrelated news: The Last Week
While the ash cloud may have been looming in the sky, here on the ground the weather has been beautiful. Cloud free, sunny skies.
-Portobello Road, again
-Paddle Boating in Hyde Park
-Itsu Sushi, conveyor belt style : )
-V&A - Grace Kelly Exhibition
-SUMMER, minus my dissertation defense in 2.5 hours

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