Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I'm writing this on a barf bag

Hello from 10,000, give or take a few, feet, or so the pilot just told me. Currently, I'm sitting on the plane to Prague. It's weird to think I'm leaving London for good, minus my 4 hour layover in a week or so. We're flying over the city that has become my home for the past 4 months. It has certainly been an experience, one I'll never forget. In this short time, I've learned and experienced so much. I discovered parts the world, met great friends, learned a lot and changed a little finding a new home far away from my old home.

(As preface, this post may be on the long side as I have an hour and a half to kill and it's been a very busy few short days, just ask my feet and legs how tired they are!...And as this title suggested, I'm writing this blog on a barf bag.)

Since my last post...

Early Friday morning, Barb FINALLY arrived in London. At 8am, I met her at Paddington Station, from where we headed to our hotel, Rubin's at the Palace, which is probably as close as I'll ever get to the Queen, although I'm still holding out hope for Harry! We spent the day exploring and shopping in different areas of the city. We enjoyed my last meal (tear), a veggie burger, at Champions and officially moved me out of Palace Court. We might have done the stairs about 7x before all my bags had been moved out of my room, if only it would fit into our hotel room. We enjoyed our nap time and then headed out for some food, YoSushi, and WICKED!

I always wanted to see Wicked. Barb & Eric went without me and enjoyed it and from camp, Marni, GLEE and god knows what else, I knew the music. So I was excited. We had purchased half price tickets in Leicester Square that morning, which turned out to be great, just like the show. Going in to it, I didn’t know much and was amazed at how well they incorporated the already great story line into a show. Not to toot my own horn but I was able to figure out some of the connections before they were even made! Needless to say, it was everything I’d hoped it would be.

The next morning, another early one, Dad and Dave arrived in London, just in time for breakfast, which was even better than Italy—equipped with an Egg Station : ) and had black pudding (gross). As you know, because I know you all are such avid readers, I had planned a tight schedule for my families visit (see post: Suggestions, anyone?)—there was a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it in! What I didn’t plan for, however, was the London Marathon on Sunday, or rather around. So we had to make some adjustments over what to do on what days. So after the boys showered, we “hopped on” a London bus, which took us around the city viewing everything from the open roof top, (Barb wanted a window seat…she really never lets us down), with commentary from our tour guide. We saw everything from the sites to the Parks. We hopped off in Parliament Square to go into explore the Square, go into Westminster Abbey and Churchill’s Cabinet War Rooms. We then enjoyed some Fish & Chips, my last in London, with no mushy peas! The horror! From there, we walked home via Green Park & The Palace. As the boys were ready for their nap, Barb and I had just enough time to head out to the Burberry Outlet before dinner…however, no worries for Eric, our trip was a failure. We then went home to change before we headed out to Indian Food in Bayswater, my old neighborhood. I’m happy to report that THIS TIME, my fellow diners actually enjoyed their meals. We then grabbed some Fro-yo at Frog before hopping on the tube to head home. (That was a lot of “hopping”)

The next morning, in attempt to avoid the marathon, we headed North to Camden Market—we explored the market, its goods and, of course, the plethora of food. From there, we went to check out Abbey Road and yes took a few corny pictures. Then we went to Kensington Palace and Hyde Park stopping for lunch at YoSushi in Knightsbridge. Yes, I said Knightsbridge, which can only mean one thing: Harrod’s This was where I spent probably over an hour trying to convince/show the boys (ERIC) that Harrods is more than JUST A DEPT. STORE. I spared them Pet Kingdom, if they agreed we can get a puppy when I get home! While I’m not sure how successful I was, I am certain we all enjoyed the sundaes this adventure included: Banana Royale & Black Forest. By that point, we all needed a good walk and the sun had come out just in time for us to head over for a spin around The London Eye. That evening, we went to Rules for dinner. Rules is the oldest restaurant in London so I was very excited to get to try it. Located in Covent Garden, the family thought the area seemed extremely similar to Boston, especially Faneuil Hall and I couldn’t help agreeing, which is pretty cool since Covent Garden is probably one of my favorite parts of London. The restaurant served traditional British fare: we had pate, Sunday roasts, venison and I tried squab pigeon…which I thought would help contribute to getting rid of pigeons and its official: Pigeons actually serve no purpose and aren’t even good! But I did enjoy sampling everyone elses food…especially the sticky toffee pudding.

Monday morning, we walked over to the Palace to see the Changing of the Guards. Then we went on a Notting Hill Tour seeing Portobello Road, the Travel Bookstore and famous Blue Door. Unfortunately, Hugh Grant did not make the tour thus I’m returning home without him for a British husband but again: Harry, I’m available!...if only Harry was reading this! After that, we went over to the British museum. Then Barb and I headed to Fortnum & Mason while the boys went to the Tower. At F&M, we explored the dept store, especially the food halls before treating ourselves to High Tea at St. James, and you all know how I feel about that little tradition! We had sandwiches, scones, cakes, cupcakes, breads and I can continue but I will spare you, this post is already long enough. That evening, we went to see We Will Rock You, which may be more of a concert than a show. Nonetheless, the music was great but the story line was a little odd. On the way home, we walked through Leicester Square, Piccadilly & Soho, stopping for some late night Chinese food, which was as always delicious. I needed some food to refuel before heading home to pack and actually leave London.

Now, I’m sitting in my seat, 20A, in an empty row, with my feet up across the seats on this Czech Air Flight, where its beginning to hit me that this is all almost over. While I’m excited to go home, as is my stomach, which is currently dying for some routine in my diet, a little less cheese a little more health, it’s weird. However, I’m beyond grateful for the time I’ve spent both in this wonderful city and throughout Europe—THANKS MOM & DAD!!! I’ve made both great friends and memories. So with that, See ya later London & Helloooo Prague!

Over the next 2 weeks, my blogging may be few and far in between. However, I’ll try and keep you posted as I venture to Prague, Barcelona, Athens & Santorini…yes, you should be jealous, I cannot wait! However, I will be without my computer…gasp…from Barcelona on. I know how sad you all are. But there will be barf bags to write on and I will be back to update you. Does anyone know if Blogger has an app for Blackberry?? Bare with me, I’ll be back!


Mike said...

In fairness to me the Indian place we went to probably wasn't as good as the one you guys went to in Bayswater...

Anonymous said...

mike you're a wimp !!
try the vandaloo !!

--rajani matamali

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